Wikiquote:Caféen/Arkiv 1
Oprettelse af Caféen
redigérTanken bag siden "Caféen" er at det skal være Wikiquotes samlingssted, på lige fod med Wikipedias "Landsbybrønd" Wikibooks "Mødelokale" og Wikisources "Skriptotek". Jeg har valgt navnet "Caféen" for at det skal være nemt at skeldne fra de andres, men har dog ikke kunne finde et mere unikt sted hvor citater diskuteres. Navnet kan ændres senere hvis der kommer bedre forslag. --Bisgaard 3. okt 2006 kl. 15:19 (UTC)
Diskussioner flyttet fra Diskussion:Forside
redigérHvorfor har vi ikke noget logo? - Mark Jensen 11. jun 2005 kl. 21:47 (UTC)
Tilføje nye artikler
redigérUmiddelbart syntes jeg det er lidt svært at tilføje nye artikler. Normalt vil jeg søge på det jeg nu vil tilføje også der finde et link jeg kan bruge hvis det ikke er i brug. FX. Søg John F. Kennedy og da der ikke er noget med havn burde der så komme et link jeg kan trykke på for at lave en ny artikel, men det gør der ikke!!!!
redigérHi, I am user meta:user:Walter. I respectfully request this community to consider my following request; I write a newsletter about what is going on in the Wikimedia projects in all languages. It is my hope that every community, like this one, has some people who read Wikizine. Then I can maybe receive some news from those readers about your project and in the other direction the can inform there community in your own language about the Wikimedia news possibly. I would like to ask this community to include on your local "Village pump" page, community portal or other relevant page a small banner for Wikizine.
I could find your local village pump. This is the reason I have posted this here.
If a banner is placed on the correct page the change that someone here will think about Wikizine and report some local news will increase highly I suspect. Or that people will take a look and read the Wikimedia news. And maybe even share it locally. Here are the banners; meta:Wikizine/banners
My apologies that this is in English and the Wikizine is also in English. But there is not other way to do this. If there are questions please ask it here. I will be watching this page for two weeks from now on frequently. Greetings, --Walter 26. jul 2006 kl. 13:33 (UTC)
- The reason you can't find the village pump, is that it doesn't exist yet. The danish Wikiquote is still very small, with almost no community, so here is fine for now. Many danes understand english so thats not a problem.
- I read your newsletter myself, and find it very informative, so i see no harm in placing your banner at the village pump, (if it existed). I have placed a copy of your request at the danish Wikibooks Mødelokalet, and if i don't get any objections, i will place it there. --Bisgaard 26. jul 2006 kl. 21:16 (UTC)
- That is a good reason for not finding it. Consider making a local village pump for this wiki. It is important for a small new wiki to have a basic structure present including a place where people can look for contact with the few other people who are wondering around. Thanks for asking it on DA Wikibooks. Greetings, --Walter 26. jul 2006 kl. 22:57 (UTC)
- I have placed your banner at Wikibooks, will something like this Wikibooks:Mødelokalet be okay with you? --Bisgaard 28. jul 2006 kl. 13:46 (UTC)
- Yes, looks good. Thanks! --Walter 28. jul 2006 kl. 23:02 (UTC)
redigérEr det lovligt at kopire citater fra andre sider. Som også gerne vide om der er en stil manual et sted.
--Eevee 9. okt 2006 kl. 19:41 (UTC)
- Hej
- Dette er et af wikiquotes meget ømme punkter, egentlig ville man jo sige at et citat er et citat, og ikke er underlagt ophavsret. Alligevel blev den franske Wikiquote lukket i foråret, netop på grund af ophavsret.
- Problemet var at man i Frankrig, udover en citatlov som herhjemme, har en lov der gør at man kan have ophavsret på en database, også selv om indholdet af databasen er frit. Da et andet citatsite påkrævede denne ret overfor fonden, og truede med retsag under påskudet at wikibrugere havde kopieret deres database af citater, valgte fonden den sikre udvej, lukning af siden. Du kan finde den fulde udlægning i pressemeddelelsen.
- Jeg ved ikke om den samme lov findes i Danmark, men uanset om den er der eller ej, er der muligheden for at fonden vælger at handle på samme måde hvis et dansk site beskylder os for det samme.
- Den sikreste vej er derfor nok altid at have kilden med, også selvom den kan virke ubetydelig. Hvis du vælger at kopiere fra andre citatsider, bør du nok på forhånd undersøge om den findes med samme ordlyd på andre citatsider, hvis vi kan skrive 3 eller flere citatsamlinger som kilde, kan vi med god ret hævde at citatet er så offentlig kendt, at ingen kan kræve retten over det.
- Ang. en stilmanual lider den danske Wikiquote desværre generelt af mangel på bidragsydere, derfor er der heller ikke skrevet en stilmanual, indtil videre vil vi nok derfor støtte os til den engelske Guide to layout. --Bisgaard 9. okt 2006 kl. 20:21 (UTC)
- Et citat er ikke et citat uden at det bliver brugt, gerne ofte. går ud på at skabe nye mundheld, ikke på at gengive de gamle.Jesper7 (diskussion) 3. mar 2013, 11:30 (UTC)
- Men hvor er ordsprogene?Jesper7 (diskussion) 3. mar 2013, 11:30 (UTC)
redigérIndhold er flyttet til:Wikiquote:Anmodning om administratorstatus
Kategorisering i skabelonerne
redigérSom skabelonerne person og film virker nu sørger disse for kategorisering. Dette ser jo umildbart ud til at være en god ide men det har nogle bivirkninger. Det største problem med denne metode er at bot'er ikke kan bruges til flytninger af kategorier. derfor forslår jeg at vi går over til kategorisering ved hjælp af almindelige [[Kategori:xyz]] tags.--Jan Friberg 20:03, 23. maj 2007 (UTC)
- Den oprindelige udgave af Skabelon:person, der er en let redigeret kopi af s:Skabelon:Forfatter fra Wikisource, kategoriserede automatisk alle sider med skabelonen under Kategori:Forfattere. Det var derfor nærliggende at flytte kategorinavnet ud i en variabel og derved samle det hele i en let overskuelig skabelon.
- Det kan selvfølgelig være forvirrende for brugere der f.eks. kommer fra Wikipedia, eller en anden sprogudgave, at de står på en anden måde end de er vant til, men på den anden side bør kategoriseringen alligevel hovedsagelig foretages af brugere der er vant til at færdes på wiki'en.
- Jeg har aldrig selv brugt en bot, så jeg ved ikke hvad de er i stand til omkring kategorisering, men jeg tror ikke der vil være meget den kan gøre, uanset hvor kategori koden står, da hovedkategorierne (Forfattere, Filosoffer m.m.) højst sansynlig ikke skifter navn, og hvis man vil dele en kategori op i underkategorier, f.eks. at dele kategorien kunstnere op i malere og musikere, skal man alligevel ind og vurdere de enkelte artikler.
- For mig er det dog ligegyldig hvor de står, der er en del arbejde i at ændre det nuværende system, men hvis du har lyst til at ændre det må du da gerne gøre det. --Bisgaard 14:54, 24. maj 2007 (UTC)
- Jeg ved godt at det er lidt svært at se de store grunde til at bruge boter når der kun er et par hundrede sider men hvis WQ en dag kommer op på fleret tusinde bliver der helt sikker kategoriflytninger, fx fejlstavninger. Da det jo er væsentligt svære at rette det når der er 1000 samlinger end 100 er det jo nu beslutningen skal tages.--Jan Friberg 15:37, 24. maj 2007 (UTC)
- Min pointe var, at da vi hovedsagelig arbejder med citater af kendte personer kan vi holde kategoriserings systemet væsentlig simplere end Wikipedia, der f.eks. kunne finde på at flytte kategorien biler til automobiler for at have en mere dækkende betegnelse.
- Et simpelt kategorisystem er noget nemmere at overskue, så eventuelle fejl fanges hurtigere, og titlen på en kategori fyldt med personer efter personernes profession, politiske holdning, eller lign. ændrer sig som regel ikke, derfor vil der sansynligvis heller ikke komme større kategoriflytninger.
- Men nu jeg tænker nærmere over det er de 3 kategorifelter i skabelonen langt fra nok hvis vi fremover skal inddele folk efter profession og politiske holdning, så det er nok bedst at have alle kategorierne som løse koder, og derved et ubegrænset antal kategori muligheder. --Bisgaard 19:18, 24. maj 2007 (UTC)
Seneste ændringer
redigérPå de andre danske wikier har listen med seneste ændringer en række link til de andre projekters seneste ændringer. Det gør det en del lettere at holde øje med flere mindre projekter, så kunne jeg ikke få en af administratorne til at kopiere MediaWiki:Recentchangestext hertil fra en af de andre projekter?--Bisgaard 19. aug 2007, 11:19 (UTC)
- Hermed gjort.--Jan Friberg 19. aug 2007, 23:00 (UTC)
Betawiki: better support for your language in MediaWiki
redigérDear community. I am writing to you to promote a special wiki called Betawiki. This wiki facilitates the localisation (l10n) of the MediaWiki interface. You may have changed many messages here on this wiki to use your language, but if you would log in to for example the English language Wiktionary, you would not be able to use the interface as well translated as here. Infact, of the 1793 messages in the core of MediaWiki, 1693 messages have been translated. Betawiki also supports the translation of messages of almost 80 extensions, with 984 messages (almost none af them have a Danish translation).
If you wish to contribute to better support of your language in MediaWiki, as well as for many MediaWiki extensions, please visit Betawiki, create an account and request translator priviledges. You can see the current status of localisation of your language on meta and do not forget to get in touch with others that may already be working on your language on Betawiki.
If you have any further questions, please let me know on my talk page on Betawiki. We will try and assist you as much as possible, for example by importing all messages from a local wiki for you to start with, if you so desire.
You can also find us on the Freenode IRC network in the channel #mediawiki-i18n where we would be happy to help you get started.
Thank you very much for your attention and I do hope to see some of you on Betawiki soon! Cheers! Siebrand@Betawiki 24. sep 2007, 09:27 (UTC)
redigérVi har i den seneste tid set en del nyoprettede artikler fra velmenene ip'er, oprettet via skabelon:person, der desværre ikke var udfyldt korrekt. Første linie, der ellers er skabelonens navn, bliver her rettet til den citeredes navn.
Om der sidder en eller flere personer bag ip'erne er svært at vurdere, derfor valgte jeg i første omgang at rette vejledningen til så hver punkt blev beskrevet noget tydligere. Det havde ingen synlig effekt. Det må derfor nok konkluderes at folk ikke gider læse vejledningen.
En anden udvej kunne være at rette skabelonens fremtoning i redigeringsfeltet til så den bliver meget svær at misforstå, bl.a. ved at ændre skabelonens navn til andet end person. Men hvad skal den så hedde? navnet skal både være kort, nem at huske, og beskrivende. Nogle forslag kunne være Skabelon:personskabelon, persska, peops (person opsætning) m.m. men er der andre der har et bedre forslag? --Bisgaard 13. nov 2007, 14:46 (UTC)
- Jeg er også træt af problemet nu her den ip er skrev til igen lavet en side forkert. Jeg vil forslå at vi i føste omgang ændre teksten første linje til
{{person #DER SKAL STÅ "person" I FØRSTE LINJE
- Altså indsætter en kommentar om at der skal stå person.--Jan Friberg 27. nov 2007, 22:38 (UTC)
redigérJeg har i nogen tid gået og luret på om der var basis for et dansk Wikimedia-chapter, altså en forening, der har til formål at understøtte Wikimedia Foundations projekter i Danmark, men det går naturligvis begge veje, for en sådan forening er også endnu en kanal, hvorigennem vi kan formulere de ønsker, vi måtte have til Wikimedia Foundation. Jeg vil foreslå at vi samler diskussionen ét sted - her. Placeringen af diskussionssiden har rent praktiske årsager - dels følger jeg mere med i Wikipedia end i de andre projekter, dels er det mit indtryk, at Wikipedia har langt flere brugere end de andre projekter. --Palnatoke 4. feb 2008, 09:53 (UTC)
Seneste nyt fra Wikimania Stockholm
redigérPlanlægningen af et Wikimania i Stockholm er i gang, og dertil er oprettet en skabelon, der fortæller seneste nyt fra ansøgningsholdet. Den ligger på siden w:Bruger:CarinaT/Wikimania-Stockholm og kommer desværre ikke til at kunne nåes fra dette Wikimedia-projekt, men kan besøges, hvis man er interesseret i, hvordan planlægningen skrider frem. --CarinaT 28. aug 2008, 20:57 (UTC)
Bot policy
redigérHello. To facilitate steward granting of bot access, I suggest implementing the standard bot policy on this wiki. In particular, this policy allows stewards to automatically flag known interlanguage linking bots (if this page says that is acceptable), which form the vast majority of such requests. The policy also enables global bots on this wiki (if this page says that is acceptable), which are trusted bots that will be given bot access on every wiki that allows global bots.
This policy makes bot access requesting much easier for local users, operators, and stewards. To implement it we only need to create a redirect to this page from Project:Bot policy, and add a line at the top noting that it is used here. Please read the text at m:Bot policy before commenting. If you object, please say so; I hope to implement in one week if there is no objection, since it is particularly written to streamline bot requests on wikis with little or no community interested in bot access requests. Laaknor 3. feb 2009, 22:54 (UTC)
- Done. —Pathoschild 09:48:01, 19 februar 2009 (UTC)
Global bots
redigérHello. The standard bot policy was updated to allow global bots, which are now technically possible. These are trusted bots that will be given bot access on every wiki that allows global bots (the local policy or request page must explicitly allow them, or they won't get access on this wiki). The current requirements for global bots are:
- a global bot must only maintain interlanguage links or fix double-redirects;
- a global bot must have already been active on several wikis, with long-term contributions demonstrating its trustworthiness.
Does anyone object to allowing global bots on this wiki? I'll update the local policy in a week if there are no objections. Thanks. Laaknor 3. feb 2009, 22:54 (UTC)
- Done. —Pathoschild 09:48:01, 19 februar 2009 (UTC)
Stiftende generalforsamling i Wikimedia Danmark
redigérDen 14. marts klokken 14 afholdes stiftende generalforsamling i Wikimedia Danmark. Mødet foregår i Unitarernes Hus, Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 30 i København. Skriv dig på her, hvis du agter at dukke op, så vi har en idé om hvor mange stole, der skal stilles op. --Palnatoke 14. feb 2009, 22:00 (UTC)
Generalforsamling i Wikimedia Danmark
redigérDer afholdes ordinær generalforsamling i Wikimedia Danmark den 26. september 2009 kl. 12.30 i Kultur Vesterbro, Lyrskovgade 4, København V. --Palnatoke 28. aug 2009, 21:10 (UTC)
Volunteers Still Needed
redigérPlease forgive the posting in English. Would someone please translate?
Hi all,
Although we will soon remove the centralnotice that is up, the
Wikimedia Strategic Planning project is still looking for volunteers
to serve as
subject area advisors or to sit on task
forces that will
study particular topics and make recommend short- and long-term
strategies for the Wikimedia projects and Foundation, and the wiki movement.
To apply to serve on a task force or be an advisor in a specific area,
The Wikimedia Strategic Planning project is a year-long collaborative process
being hosted at Your input is welcome there, and
will drive the process. When the task forces begin to meet, they will
do their work transparently and on that wiki, and anyone may join
fully in their work. We hope to
include as many community members as possible in the process.
Any questions can be addressed to me either on
on the strategy wiki or by email to philippe
I hope you'll consider joining us!
Philippe 4. okt 2009, 05:37 (UTC)
Wikimania Scholarships
redigérThe call for applications for Wikimania Scholarships to attend Wikimania 2010 in Gdansk, Poland (July 9-11) is now open. The Wikimedia Foundation offers Scholarships to pay for selected individuals' round trip travel, accommodations, and registration at the conference. To apply, visit the Wikimania 2010 scholarships information page, click the secure link available there, and fill out the form to apply. For additional information, please visit the Scholarships information and FAQ pages:
Yours very truly,
Cary Bass
Volunteer Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation
Generalforsamling i Wikimedia Danmark 26. september 2010
redigér26. september kl. 14.00 er der ordinær generalforsamling i Wikimedia Danmark. Generalforsamlingen holdes i Forsamlingshuset 5e, der ligger i Slagtehusgade 5e i København. --Palnatoke 29. aug 2010, 08:14 (UTC)
Ophavsret til intellektuel ejendom
redigér- Flyttet fra Wikiquote-diskussion:Caféen#Ophavsret til intellektuel ejendom af Diupwijk 5. okt 2010, 13:52 (UTC)
Ophavsret angår jo et intellektuelt arbejde, f.eks. udvalget, layoutet og anbringelsen på en specifik webside og det må anses for at været et stykke intellektuel ejendom.
Det kan derfor ikke anbefales at hugge et organiseret stykke arbejde, som en anden citatsamling på internettet, og kopiere det ind i et frit domæne uden ejerens samtykke. Derimod kan du kopiere det fra originaler, hvor ophavsretten er udløbet, dvs 70 år efter ophavsretsejerens død. En ejer af en online citatsamling kan jo indlægge koder, der viser, det er hugget fra hans side, f.eks. en række bestemte tegn på en bestemt måde, flere mellemrum mellem ord og andre mønstre, så det kan godt opdages, når nogen har hugget den slags. Ligesom programmeringskode opdages. (skrev Heismark (disk. • bidrag) 3. okt 2010, 16:15 . Husk at signére dine indlæg.)
Call for image filter referendum
redigérThe Wikimedia Foundation, at the direction of the Board of Trustees, will be holding a vote to determine whether members of the community support the creation and usage of an opt-in personal image filter, which would allow readers to voluntarily screen particular types of images strictly for their own account.
Further details and educational materials will be available shortly. The referendum is scheduled for 12-27 August, 2011, and will be conducted on servers hosted by a neutral third party. Referendum details, officials, voting requirements, and supporting materials will be posted at Meta:Image filter referendum shortly.
Sorry for delivering you a message in English. Please help translate the pages on the referendum on Meta and join the translators mailing list.
For the coordinating committee,
Philippe (WMF)
Robert Harris
Terms of Use update
redigérI apologize that you are receiving this message in English. Please help translate it.
The Wikimedia Foundation is discussing changes to its Terms of Use. The discussion can be found at Talk:Terms of use. Everyone is invited to join in. Because the new version of Terms of use is not in final form, we are not able to present official translations of it. Volunteers are welcome to translate it, as German volunteers have done at m:Terms of use/de, but we ask that you note at the top that the translation is unofficial and may become outdated as the English version is changed. The translation request can be found at m:Translation requests/WMF/Terms of Use 2 -- Maggie Dennis, Community Liaison 27. okt 2011, 00:38 (UTC)
Open Call for 2012 Wikimedia Fellowship Applicants
redigérI apologize that you are receiving this message in English. Please help translate it.
- Do you want to help attract new contributors to Wikimedia projects?
- Do you want to improve retention of our existing editors?
- Do you want to strengthen our community by diversifying its base and increasing the overall number of excellent participants around the world?
The Wikimedia Foundation is seeking Community Fellows and project ideas for the Community Fellowship Program. A Fellowship is a temporary position at the Wikimedia Foundation in order to work on a specific project or set of projects. Submissions for 2012 are encouraged to focus on the theme of improving editor retention and increasing participation in Wikimedia projects. If interested, please submit a project idea or apply to be a fellow by January 15, 2012. Please visit for more information.
--Siko Bouterse, Head of Community Fellowships, Wikimedia Foundation 21. dec 2011, 12:54 (UTC)
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Announcing Wikipedia 1.19 beta
redigérWikimedia Foundation is getting ready to push out 1.19 to all the WMF-hosted wikis. As we finish wrapping up our code review, you can test the new version right now on For more information, please read the release notes or the start of the final announcement.
The following are the areas that you will probably be most interested in:
- Faster loading of javascript files makes dependency tracking more important.
- New common*.css files usable by skins instead of having to copy piles of generic styles from MonoBook or Vector's css.
- The default user signature now contains a talk link in addition to the user link.
- Searching blocked usernames in block log is now clearer.
- Better timezone recognition in user preferences.
- Improved diff readability for colorblind people.
- The interwiki links table can now be accessed also when the interwiki cache is used (used in the API and the Interwiki extension).
- More gender support (for instance in logs and user lists).
- Language converter improved, e.g. it now works depending on the page content language.
- Time and number-formatting magic words also now depend on the page content language.
- Bidirectional support further improved after 1.18.
Report any problems on the labs beta wiki and we'll work to address them before they software is released to the production wikis.
Note that this cluster does have SUL but it is not integrated with SUL in production, so you'll need to create another account. You should avoid using the same password as you use here. — Global message delivery 15. jan 2012, 00:03 (UTC)
MediaWiki 1.19
redigér(Apologies if this message isn't in your language.) The Wikimedia Foundation is planning to upgrade MediaWiki (the software powering this wiki) to its latest version this month. You can help to test it before it is enabled, to avoid disruption and breakage. More information is available in the full announcement. Thank you for your understanding.
Guillaume Paumier, via the Global message delivery system (wrong page? You can fix it.). 12. feb 2012, 14:55 (UTC)
Survey invitation
redigérFirst, I apologize that part of this message is in English. If you can assist by translating it for your local community, I would greatly appreciate it.
The Wikimedia Foundation would like to invite you to take part in a brief survey.
Med denne undersøgelse håber Wikimedia Foundation at kunne finde ud af, hvilke ressourcer wikimedianerne ønsker og behøver (nogle ønsker og behov kan kræve midler), og hvordan de skal prioriteres. Ikke alle programmer fra Foundation er med her (kerneopgaverne er bevidst udeladt) - der behandles kun ressourcer som individuelle bidragydere eller organisationer, der er tilknyttet Wikimedia, som lokalafdelinger, kan søge om.
Målet er her at identificere, hvad DU (eller grupper, som lokalafdelinger eller klubber) kunne være interesseret i, og at opstille mulighederne efter, hvad der foretrækkes. Vi har på denne liste ikke medtaget ting som "holde serverne kørende", fordi de ikke er individuelle bidragydere eller frivillige organisationers ansvar. Denne undersøgelse har til hensigt at fortælle os, hvilke prioriteringer af midlerne bidragyderne kan enes om.
To read more about the survey, and to take part, please visit the survey page. You may select the language in which to take the survey with the pull-down menu at the top.
This invitation is being sent only to those projects where the survey has been translated in full or in majority into your language. It is, however, open to any contributor from any project. Please feel free to share the link with other Wikimedians and to invite their participation.
If you have any questions for me, please address them to my talk page, since I won’t be able to keep an eye at every point where I place the notice.
Thank you! --Mdennis (WMF) (diskussion) 5. mar 2012, 21:43 (UTC)
Hello, I am operator of a bot EleferenBot, and would like to have the bot flag.
- Operator: User:Eleferen.
- Function summary: Using pywikipedia.
- Function details: add\change interwiki (global edits. For example: pl.wikiquote contributions).
- Programming language: python
- Flag on: wikiquote: ru, bg, bs, cs, de, el, eo, es, fa, fi, he, is, it, pl, pt, sk, tr and 40 wikipedias.
--Eleferen (diskussion) 24. mar 2012, 10:15 (UTC)
Update on IPv6
redigér(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it, as well as the full version of this announcement on Meta)
The Wikimedia Foundation is planning to do limited testing of IPv6 on June 2-3. If there are not too many problems, we may fully enable IPv6 on World IPv6 day (June 6), and keep it enabled.
What this means for your project:
- At least on June 2-3, 2012, you may see a small number of edits from IPv6 addresses, which are in the form "
". See e.g. w:en:IPv6 address. These addresses should behave like any other IP address: You can leave messages on their talk pages; you can track their contributions; you can block them. (See the full version of this announcement for notes on range blocks.)
- In the mid term, some user scripts and tools will need to be adapted for IPv6.
- We suspect that IPv6 usage is going to be very low initially, meaning that abuse should be manageable, and we will assist in the monitoring of the situation.
Read the full version of this announcement on how to test the behavior of IPv6 with various tools and how to leave bug reports, and to find a fuller analysis of the implications of the IPv6 migration.
--Erik Möller, VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation 2. jun 2012, 00:51 (UTC)
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2011 Picture of the Year competition
redigérмакедонски • norsk • polski
Dear Wikimedians,
Wikimedia Commons is happy to announce that the 2011 Picture of the Year competition is now open. We are interested in your opinion as to which images qualify to be the Picture of the Year 2011. Any user registered at Commons or a Wikimedia wiki SUL-related to Commons with more than 75 edits before 1 April 2012 (UTC) is welcome to vote and, of course everyone is welcome to view!
Detailed information about the contest can be found at the introductory page.
About 600 of the best of Wikimedia Common's photos, animations, movies and graphics were chosen –by the international Wikimedia Commons community– out of 12 million files during 2011 and are now called Featured Pictures.
From professional animal and plant shots to breathtaking panoramas and skylines, restorations of historically relevant images, images portraying the world's best architecture, maps, emblems, diagrams created with the most modern technology, and impressive human portraits, Commons Features Pictures of all flavors.
For your convenience, we have sorted the images into topic categories.
We regret that you receive this message in English; we intended to use banners to notify you in your native language but there was both, human and technical resistance.
See you on Commons! --Picture of the Year 2011 Committee 5. jun 2012, 18:10 (UTC)
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Mobile view as default view coming soon
redigér(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it, as well as the instructions on Meta)
The mobile view of this project and others will soon become the default view on mobile devices (except tablets). Some language versions of these projects currently show no content on the mobile home page, and it is a good time to do a little formatting so users get a mobile-friendly view, or to add to existing mobile content if some already exists.
If you are an administrator, please consider helping with this change. There are instructions which are being translated. The proposed date of switching the default view is July 5.
To contact the mobile team, email mobile-feedback-l
--Phil Inje Chang, Product Manager, Mobile, Wikimedia Foundation 29. jun 2012, 04:46 (UTC)
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Help decide about more than $10 million of Wikimedia donations in the coming year
redigér(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it)
As many of you are aware, the Wikimedia Board of Trustees recently initiated important changes in the way that money is being distributed within the Wikimedia movement. As part of this, a new community-led "Funds Dissemination Committee" (FDC) is currently being set up. Already in 2012-13, its recommendations will guide the decisions about the distribution of over 10 million US dollars among the Foundation, chapters and other eligible entities.
Now, seven capable, knowledgeable and trustworthy community members are sought to volunteer on the initial Funds Dissemination Committee. It is expected to take up its work in September. In addition, a community member is sought to be the Ombudsperson for the FDC process. If you are interested in joining the committee, read the call for volunteers. Nominations are planned to close on August 15.
--Anasuya Sengupta, Director of Global Learning and Grantmaking, Wikimedia Foundation 19. jul 2012, 19:58 (UTC)
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Autopatruljerede og Patrulianter(gruppe)
redigérHej syntes vi skal tænke over at få oprettet to gruppee som skal hede "Autopatruljerede", og "Patrulianter". Da en administrator skal tjekke alle nye sider lave af folk, så vil det være dejligt at man kan sige, "ok han er god nok, han behøver ikke at blive tjekket". Så derfor har jeg lave den her afstemning om vi skal have sådan en gruppe. Gruppen skal kun have "auto patrol" rettighed, og "patrulianter" skal bare kunne tjekke redigeringer ligesom admin, samt have "Tilbagerulning". --Simeondahl (diskussion) 14. aug 2012, 10:59 (UTC)
redigér- Støtter - Jeg syntes at vi skal have det. --Simeondahl (diskussion) 14. aug 2012, 10:59 (UTC)
- Støtter – --Søren1997 (diskussion // bidrag) 7. jun 2013, 22:58 (UTC)
redigérHva det blev ikke til noget alligevel? --Søren1997 (diskussion // bidrag) 6. jan 2015, 21:25 (UTC)
Request for Comment: Legal Fees Assistance Program
redigérI apologize for addressing you in English. I would be grateful if you could translate this message into your language.
The Wikimedia Foundation is conducting a request for comment on a proposed program that could provide legal assistance to users in specific support roles who are named in a legal complaint as a defendant because of those roles. We wanted to be sure that your community was aware of this discussion and would have a chance to participate in that discussion.
If this page is not the best place to publicize this request for comment, please help spread the word to those who may be interested in participating. (If you'd like to help translating the "request for comment", program policy or other pages into your language and don't know how the translation system works, please come by my user talk page at m:User talk:Mdennis (WMF). I'll be happy to assist or to connect you with a volunteer who can assist.)
Thank you! --Mdennis (WMF)6. sep 2012, 01:52 (UTC)
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Wikidata is getting close to a first roll-out
redigér(Apologies if this message isn't in your language.)
As some of you might already have heard Wikimedia Deutschland is working on a new Wikimedia project. It is called m:Wikidata. The goal of Wikidata is to become a central data repository for the Wikipedias, its sister projects and the world. In the future it will hold data like the number of inhabitants of a country, the date of birth of a famous person or the length of a river. These can then be used in all Wikimedia projects and outside of them.
The project is divided into three phases and "we are getting close to roll-out the first phase". The phases are:
- language links in the Wikipedias (making it possible to store the links between the language editions of an article just once in Wikidata instead of in each linked article)
- infoboxes (making it possible to store the data that is currently in infoboxes in one central place and share the data)
- lists (making it possible to create lists and similar things based on queries to Wikidata so they update automatically when new data is added or modified)
It'd be great if you could join us, test the demo version, provide feedback and take part in the development of Wikidata. You can find all the relevant information including an FAQ and sign-up links for our on-wiki newsletter on the Wikidata page on Meta.
For further discussions please use this talk page (if you are uncomfortable writing in English you can also write in your native language there) or point me to the place where your discussion is happening so I can answer there.
--Lydia Pintscher 10. sep 2012, 13:13 (UTC)
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Upcoming software changes - please report any problems
redigér(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it)
All Wikimedia wikis - including this one - will soon be upgraded with new and possibly disruptive code. This process starts today and finishes on October 24 (see the upgrade schedule & code details).
Please watch for problems with:
- revision diffs
- templates
- CSS and JavaScript pages (like user scripts)
- bots
- PDF export
- images, video, and sound, especially scaling sizes
- the CologneBlue skin
If you notice any problems, please report problems at our defect tracker site. You can test for possible problems at and, which have already been updated.
Thanks! With your help we can find problems fast and get them fixed faster.
Sumana Harihareswara, Wikimedia Foundation Engineering Community Manager (talk) 16. okt 2012, 02:48 (UTC)
P.S.: For the regular, smaller MediaWiki updates every two weeks, please watch this schedule.
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Fundraising localization: volunteers from outside the USA needed
redigérPlease translate for your local community
Hello All,
The Wikimedia Foundation's Fundraising team have begun our 'User Experience' project, with the goal of understanding the donation experience in different countries outside the USA and enhancing the localization of our donation pages. I am searching for volunteers to spend 30 minutes on a Skype chat with me, reviewing their own country's donation pages. It will be done on a 'usability' format (I will ask you to read the text and go through the donation flow) and will be asking your feedback in the meanwhile.
The only pre-requisite is for the volunteer to actually live in the country and to have access to at least one donation method that we offer for that country (mainly credit/debit card, but also real-time banking like IDEAL, E-wallets, etc...) so we can do a live test and see if the donation goes through. All volunteers will be reimbursed of the donations that eventually succeed (and they will be low amounts, like 1-2 dollars)
By helping us you are actually helping thousands of people to support our mission of free knowledge across the world. Please sing up and help us with our 'User Experience' project! :) If you are interested (or know of anyone who could be) please email All countries needed (excepting USA)!
Pats Pena
Global Fundraising Operations Manager, Wikimedia Foundation
Sent using Global message delivery, 17. okt 2012, 16:53 (UTC)
Wikimedia hovedpunkter, oktober 2012.
redigérBe a Wikimedia fundraising "User Experience" volunteer!
redigérThank you to everyone who volunteered last year on the Wikimedia fundraising 'User Experience' project. We have talked to many different people in different countries and their feedback has helped us immensely in restructuring our pages. If you haven't heard of it yet, the 'User Experience' project has the goal of understanding the donation experience in different countries (outside the USA) and enhancing the localization of our donation pages.
I am (still) searching for volunteers to spend some time on a Skype chat with me, reviewing their own country's donation pages. It will be done on a 'usability' format (I will ask you to read the text and go through the donation flow) and will be asking your feedback in the meanwhile.
The only pre-requisite is for the volunteer to actually live in the country and to have access to at least one donation method that we offer for that country (mainly credit/debit card, but also real time banking like IDEAL, E-wallets, etc...) so we can do a live test and see if the donation goes through. **All volunteers will be reimbursed of the donations that eventually succeed (and they will be very low amounts, like 1-2 dollars)**
By helping us you are actually helping thousands of people to support our mission of free knowledge across the world. If you are interested (or know of anyone who could be) please email All countries needed (excepting USA)!!
Pats Pena
Global Fundraising Operations Manager, Wikimedia Foundation
- Sent using Global message delivery, 8. jan 2013, 20:46 (UTC)
Wikimedia sites to move to primary data center in Ashburn, Virginia. Read-only mode expected.
redigér(Apologies if this message isn't in your language.) Next week, the Wikimedia Foundation will transition its main technical operations to a new data center in Ashburn, Virginia, USA. This is intended to improve the technical performance and reliability of all Wikimedia sites, including this wiki. There will be some times when the site will be in read-only mode, and there may be full outages; the current target windows for the migration are January 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2013, from 17:00 to 01:00 UTC (see other timezones on More information is available in the full announcement.
If you would like to stay informed of future technical upgrades, consider becoming a Tech ambassador and joining the ambassadors mailing list. You will be able to help your fellow Wikimedians have a voice in technical discussions and be notified of important decisions.
Thank you for your help and your understanding.
Guillaume Paumier, via the Global message delivery system (wrong page? You can fix it.). 19. jan 2013, 15:09 (UTC)
Help turn ideas into grants in the new IdeaLab
redigérI apologize if this message is not in your language. Please help translate it.
- Do you have an idea for a project to improve this community or website?
- Do you think you could complete your idea if only you had some funding?
- Do you want to help other people turn their ideas into project plans or grant proposals?
Please join us in the IdeaLab, an incubator for project ideas and Individual Engagement Grant proposals.
The Wikimedia Foundation is seeking new ideas and proposals for Individual Engagement Grants. These grants fund individuals or small groups to complete projects that help improve this community. If interested, please submit a completed proposal by February 15, 2013. Please visit for more information.
Thanks! --Siko Bouterse, Head of Individual Engagement Grants, Wikimedia Foundation 30. jan 2013, 20:16 (UTC)
Distributed via Global message delivery. (Wrong page? Correct it here.)
Wikimedia hovedpunkter, december 2012
redigérWikimedia-hovedpunkter, januar 2013
redigérConvert complex templates to Lua to make them faster and more powerful
redigér(Please consider translating this message for the benefit of your fellow Wikimedians)
Greetings. As you might have seen on the Wikimedia tech blog or the tech ambassadors list, a new functionality called "Lua" is being enabled on all Wikimedia sites today. Lua is a scripting language that enables you to write faster and more powerful MediaWiki templates.
If you have questions about how to convert existing templates to Lua (or how to create new ones), we'll be holding two support sessions on IRC next week: one on Wednesday (for Oceania, Asia & America) and one on Friday (for Europe, Africa & America); see m:IRC office hours for the details. If you can't make it, you can also get help at mw:Talk:Lua scripting.
If you'd like to learn about this kind of events earlier in advance, consider becoming a Tech ambassador by subscribing to the mailing list. You will also be able to help your fellow Wikimedians have a voice in technical discussions and be notified of important decisions.
Guillaume Paumier, via the Global message delivery system. 13. mar 2013, 19:07 (UTC) (wrong page? You can fix it.)
Hovedpunkter fra Wikimedia, februar 2013
redigér- Hovedpunkter fra Wikimedia Foundation
- Data og tendenser
- Regnskabstal
- Andre hovedpunkter for bevægelsen
Hovedpunkter fra Wikimedia, marts 2013
redigér- Hovedpunkter fra Wikimedia Foundation
- Lua øger hastigheden på siderne og styrker Wikimedias tekniske bidragydere
- Igangsætning af mobile uploads for apps og det mobile net
- De første individuelle engagementspriser er uddelt til innovative fællesskabsprojekter
- Wikipedia Zero modtager en pris og når ud til nye brugere
- Ombudsmænd mødes og får måske udvidet deres mandat
- Data og Trends
- Regnskabstal
- Andre hovedpunkter fra bevægelsen
- Anmodning om kommentar til inaktive administratorer
(Overvej gerne at oversætte denne besked for at hjælpe dine medskribenter på Wikipedia. Overvej også gerne at oversætte forslaget.)
Read this message in English / Lleer esti mensaxe n'asturianu / বাংলায় এই বার্তাটি পড়ুন / Llegiu aquest missatge en català / Læs denne besked på dansk / Lies diese Nachricht auf Deutsch / Leś cal mesag' chè in Emiliàn / Leer este mensaje en español / Lue tämä viesti suomeksi / Lire ce message en français / Ler esta mensaxe en galego / हिन्दी / Pročitajte ovu poruku na hrvatskom / Baca pesan ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia / Leggi questo messaggio in italiano / ಈ ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಓದಿ / Aqra dan il-messaġġ bil-Malti / norsk (bokmål) / Lees dit bericht in het Nederlands / Przeczytaj tę wiadomość po polsku / Citiți acest mesaj în română / Прочитать это сообщение на русском / Farriintaan ku aqri Af-Soomaali / Pročitaj ovu poruku na srpskom (Прочитај ову поруку на српском) / อ่านข้อความนี้ในภาษาไทย / Прочитати це повідомлення українською мовою / Đọc thông báo bằng tiếng Việt / 使用中文阅读本信息。
Der er et nyt forslag til debat på Meta-Wiki, der handler om fjernelse af administrative rettigheder fra Wikipedianere, der har været inaktive gennem en lang periode. Overordnet set berører dette forslag fra Stewards (forvaltere) wikis uden en evalueringsproces for administratorer.
Vi er også ved at sammensætte en liste over projekter, der har en eksisterende procedure for fjernelse af inaktive administratorer, på anmodningens diskussionsside. Du er velkommen til at skrive dit projekt på listen, hvis projektet har en politik for inaktive administratorer.
Alle indlæg i debatten vil blive påskønnet. Debatten kan lukkes så tidligt som 21. maj 2013 (2013-05-21), men denne frist kan om nødvendigt forlænges.
Tak for hjælpen, Billinghurst (thanks to all the translators!) 24. apr 2013, 04:29 (UTC)
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[en] Change to wiki account system and account renaming
redigérSome accounts will soon be renamed due to a technical change that the developer team at Wikimedia are making. More details on Meta.
(Distributed via global message delivery 30. apr 2013, 03:28 (UTC). Wrong page? Correct it here.)
[en] Change to section edit links
redigérThe default position of the "edit" link in page section headers is going to change soon. The "edit" link will be positioned adjacent to the page header text rather than floating opposite it.
Section edit links will be to the immediate right of section titles, instead of on the far right. If you're an editor of one of the wikis which already implemented this change, nothing will substantially change for you; however, scripts and gadgets depending on the previous implementation of section edit links will have to be adjusted to continue working; however, nothing else should break even if they are not updated in time.
Detailed information and a timeline is available on meta.
Ideas to do this all the way to 2009 at least. It is often difficult to track which of several potential section edit links on the far right is associated with the correct section, and many readers and anonymous or new editors may even be failing to notice section edit links at all, since they read section titles, which are far away from the links.
(Distributed via global message delivery 30. apr 2013, 18:17 (UTC). Wrong page? Correct it here.)
Tech newsletter: Subscribe to receive the next editions
redigér- Recent software changes
- (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (version 1.22/wmf4) was added to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 13, and to the English Wikipedia (with a Wikidata software update) on May 20. It will be updated on all other Wikipedia sites on May 22. [1] [2]
- A software update will perhaps result in temporary issues with images. Please report any problems you notice. [3]
- MediaWiki recognizes links in twelve new schemes. Users can now link to SSH, XMPP and Bitcoin directly from wikicode. [4]
- VisualEditor was added to all content namespaces on on May 20. [5]
- A new extension ("TemplateData") was added to all Wikipedia sites on May 20. It will allow a future version of VisualEditor to edit templates. [6]
- New sites: Greek Wikivoyage and Venetian Wiktionary joined the Wikimedia family last week; the total number of project wikis is now 794. [7] [8]
- The logo of 18 Wikipedias was changed to version 2.0 in a third group of updates. [9]
- The UploadWizard on Commons now shows links to the old upload form in 55 languages (bug 33513). [10]
- Future software changes
- The next version of MediaWiki (version 1.22/wmf5) will be added to Wikimedia sites starting on May 27. [11]
- An updated version of Notifications, with new features and fewer bugs, will be added to the English Wikipedia on May 23. [12]
- The final version of the "single user login" (which allows people to use the same username on different Wikimedia wikis) is moved to August 2013. The software will automatically rename some usernames. [13]
- A new discussion system for MediaWiki, called "Flow", is under development. Wikimedia designers need your help to inform other users, test the prototype and discuss the interface. [14].
- The Wikimedia Foundation is hiring people to act as links between software developers and users for VisualEditor. [15]
If you want to continue to receive the next issues every week, please subscribe to the newsletter. You can subscribe your personal talk page and a community page like this one. The newsletter can be translated into your language.
You can also become a tech ambassador, help us write the next newsletter and tell us what to improve. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. guillom 20. maj 2013, 20:25 (UTC)
redigérJeg har rettet i den central Citat-skabelon. Jeg håber det er gået godt, og det ikke skaber problemer. Der var en besynderlig HTML-syntaks som jeg ikke forstod og den skabte syntaks-fejl. Nu har jeg indført if-sætninger i stedet der ser ud til at virke. Der er noget forskel på hvordan folk bruger skabelonen:
- Folk bruger første argument til original sproget og andet argument til dansk, se f.eks. Det bli'r ikke bedre, mens i Wikiquote:Stilmanual står det beskrevet omvendt.
- Det er uklart for mig hvad 'b' argumentet skal bruges til.
- Andet argument har også været brugt til beskrivelse (af blandt andet mig). Nu er jeg begyndt at bruge 'a' argumentet i stedet.
Er der nogle kommentarer til hvordan vi kan gøre det bedst? — Fnielsen (diskussion) 29. maj 2013, 20:13 (UTC)
Trademark discussion
redigérHi, apologies for posting this in English, but I wanted to alert your community to a discussion on Meta about potential changes to the Wikimedia Trademark Policy. Please translate this statement if you can. We hope that you will all participate in the discussion; we also welcome translations of the legal team’s statement into as many languages as possible and encourage you to voice your thoughts there. Please see the Trademark practices discussion (on Meta-Wiki) for more information. Thank you! --Mdennis (WMF) (talk)
(Sorry for writing in English. You can translate the proposal.)
Should X!'s edit counter retain the opt-in requirement? Your input is strongly encouraged. Voice your input here.—cyberpower ChatAutomation 23. jun 2013, 04:18 (UTC)
- Distributed via Global message delivery. (Wrong page? Fix here.)
Universal Language Selector will be enabled on 2013-07-09
redigérOn July 9, 2013, Universal Language Selector (ULS) will be enabled on this wiki. The ULS provides a flexible way to configure and deliver language settings like interface language, fonts, and input methods (keyboard mappings). Making it available here is the last phase of making ULS available on all Wikimedia wikis.
Please read the announcement on Meta-Wiki for more information. Siebrand 4. jul 2013, 12:18 (UTC) (via Global message delivery).
Pywikipedia is migrating to git
redigérHello, Sorry for English but It's very important for bot operators so I hope someone translates this. Pywikipedia is migrating to Git so after July 26, SVN checkouts won't be updated If you're using Pywikipedia you have to switch to git, otherwise you will use out-dated framework and your bot might not work properly. There is a manual for doing that and a blog post explaining about this change in non-technical language. If you have question feel free to ask in mw:Manual talk:Pywikipediabot/Gerrit, mailing list, or in the IRC channel. Best Amir (via Global message delivery). 23. jul 2013, 13:03 (UTC)
HTTPS for users with an account
redigérGreetings. Starting on August 21 (tomorrow), all users with an account will be using HTTPS to access Wikimedia sites. HTTPS brings better security and improves your privacy. More information is available at m:HTTPS.
If HTTPS causes problems for you, tell us on bugzilla, on IRC (in the #wikimedia-operations
channel) or on meta. If you can't use the other methods, you can also send an e-mail to
Greg Grossmeier (via the Global message delivery system). 20. aug 2013, 18:55 (UTC) (wrong page? You can fix it.)
Sider mangler
redigérDer mangler forslagssider som sletning- og gendannelsessider, retningslinjer for notabilitet (lige nu kan alt jo oprettes), samt politikker og hjælpesider generelt. Det er dog sådan, at politikker og normer bør der være konsensus om inden de oprettes. Mvh Asger1995 (diskussion) 30. aug 2013, 20:01 (UTC)
- Okay nu har jeg fundet vores sletningsforslagsside, men den bør nok ændres. Jeg indsætter indlæg herom på Wikiquote diskussion:Sider der bør slettes. Mvh Asger1995 (diskussion) 30. aug 2013, 20:31 (UTC)
First, I’d like to apologize for the English. If you can, please help to translate this for other members of your community.
The legal team at the Wikimedia Foundation would greatly appreciate your input on the best way to manage the "community logo" (pictured here) to best balance protection of the projects with community support. Accordingly, they have created a “request for consultation” on Meta where they set out briefly some of the issues to be considered and the options that they perceive. Your input would be invaluable in helping guide them in how best to serve our mission.
Thank you! --Mdennis (talk) (via the Global message delivery system). 24. sep 2013, 02:14 (UTC) (wrong page? You can fix it.)
(This message is in English, please translate as needed)
Notifications will inform users about new activity that affects them on this wiki in a unified way: for example, this new tool will let you know when you have new talk page messages, edit reverts, mentions or links -- and is designed to augment (rather than replace) the watchlist. The Wikimedia Foundation's editor engagement team developed this tool (code-named 'Echo') earlier this year, to help users contribute more productively to MediaWiki projects.
We're now getting ready to bring Notifications to almost all other Wikimedia sites, and are aiming for a 22 October deployment, as outlined in this release plan. It is important that notifications is translated for all of the languages we serve.
There are three major points of translation needed to be either done or checked:
- Echo on translatewiki for user interface - you must have an account on translatewiki to translate
- Thanks on translatewiki for user interface - you must have an account on translatewiki to translate
- Notifications help on This page can be hosted after translation on or we can localize it to this Wikipedia. You do not have to have an account to translate on mediawiki, but single-user login will create it for you there if you follow the link.
Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions or comments about this new tool. For more information, visit this project hub and this help page. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 4. okt 2013, 18:23 (UTC)
- (via the Global message delivery system) (wrong page? You can fix it.)
Speak up about the trademark registration of the Community logo.
redigérHi all,
Please join the consultation about the Community logo that represents Meta-Wiki: m:Community Logo/Request for consultation.
This community consultation was commenced on September 24. The following day, two individuals filed a legal opposition against the registration of the Community logo.
The question is whether the Wikimedia Foundation should seek a collective membership mark with respect to this logo or abandon its registration and protection of the trademark.
We want to make sure that everyone get a chance to speak up so that we can get clear direction from the community. We would therefore really appreciate the community's help in translating this announcement from English so that everyone is able to understand it.
Introducting Beta Features
redigér(Apologies for writing in English. Please translate if necessary)
We would like to let you know about Beta Features, a new program from the Wikimedia Foundation that lets you try out new features before they are released for everyone.
Think of it as a digital laboratory where community members can preview upcoming software and give feedback to help improve them. This special preference page lets designers and engineers experiment with new features on a broad scale, but in a way that's not disruptive.
Beta Features is now ready for testing on It will also be released on Wikimedia Commons and MetaWiki this Thursday, 7 November. Based on test results, the plan is to release it on all wikis worldwide on 21 November, 2013.
Here are the first features you can test this week:
- Media Viewer — view images in large size or full screen
- VisualEditor Formulæ (for wikis with VisualEditor) — edit algebra or equations on your pages
- Typography Refresh — make text more readable (coming Thursday)
Would you like to try out Beta Features now? After you log in on, a small 'Beta' link will appear next to your 'Preferences'. Click on it to see features you can test, check the ones you want, then click 'Save'. Learn more on the Beta Features page.
After you've tested Beta Features, please let the developers know what you think on this discussion page -- or report any bugs here on Bugzilla. You're also welcome to join this IRC office hours chat on Friday, 8 November at 18:30 UTC.
Beta Features was developed by the Wikimedia Foundation's Design, Multimedia and VisualEditor teams. Along with other developers, they will be adding new features to this experimental program every few weeks. They are very grateful to all the community members who helped create this project — and look forward to many more productive collaborations in the future.
Enjoy, and don't forget to let developers know what you think! Keegan (WMF) (talk) 5. nov 2013, 19:43 (UTC)
- Distributed via Global message delivery (wrong page? Correct it here), 5. nov 2013, 19:43 (UTC)
Call for comments on draft trademark policy
redigérHi all,
The Wikimedia legal team invites you to participate in the development of the new Wikimedia trademark policy.
The current trademark policy was introduced in 2009 to protect the Wikimedia marks. We are now updating this policy to better balance permissive use of the marks with the legal requirements for preserving them for the community. The new draft trademark policy is ready for your review here, and we encourage you to discuss it here.
We would appreciate if someone would translate this message into your language so more members of your community can contribute to the conversation.
Request for comment on Commons: Should Wikimedia support MP4 video?
redigérI apologize for this message being only in English. Please translate it if needed to help your community.
The Wikimedia Foundation's multimedia team seeks community guidance on a proposal to support the MP4 video format. This digital video standard is used widely around the world to record, edit and watch videos on mobile phones, desktop computers and home video devices. It is also known as H.264/MPEG-4 or AVC.
Supporting the MP4 format would make it much easier for our users to view and contribute video on Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects -- and video files could be offered in dual formats on our sites, so we could continue to support current open formats (WebM and Ogg Theora).
However, MP4 is a patent-encumbered format, and using a proprietary format would be a departure from our current practice of only supporting open formats on our sites -- even though the licenses appear to have acceptable legal terms, with only a small fee required.
We would appreciate your guidance on whether or not to support MP4. Our Request for Comments presents views both in favor and against MP4 support, based on opinions we’ve heard in our discussions with community and team members.
Please join this RfC -- and share your advice.
All users are welcome to participate, whether you are active on Commons, Wikipedia, other Wikimedia project -- or any site that uses content from our free media repository.
You are also welcome to join tomorrow's Office hours chat on IRC, this Thursday, January 16, at 19:00 UTC, if you would like to discuss this project with our team and other community members.
We look forward to a constructive discussion with you, so we can make a more informed decision together on this important topic. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 16. jan 2014, 06:47 (UTC)
Universal Language Selector will be enabled by default again on this wiki by 21 February 2014
redigérOn January 21 2014 the MediaWiki extension Universal Language Selector (ULS) was disabled on this wiki. A new preference was added for logged-in users to turn on ULS. This was done to prevent slow loading of pages due to ULS webfonts, a behaviour that had been observed by the Wikimedia Technical Operations team on some wikis.
We are now ready to enable ULS again. The temporary preference to enable ULS will be removed. A new checkbox has been added to the Language Panel to enable/disable font delivery. This will be unchecked by default for this wiki, but can be selected at any time by the users to enable webfonts. This is an interim solution while we improve the feature of webfonts delivery.
You can read the announcement and the development plan for more information. Apologies for writing this message only in English. Thank you. Runa
Amendment to the Terms of Use
redigérHello all,
Please join a discussion about a proposed amendment to the Wikimedia Terms of Use regarding undisclosed paid editing and we encourage you to voice your thoughts there. Please translate this statement if you can, and we welcome you to translate the proposed amendment and introduction. Please see the discussion on Meta Wiki for more information. Thank you! Slaporte (WMF) 21. feb 2014, 22:00 (UTC)
Language links (interwiki) via Wikidata are coming
redigérHey everyone :)
I just wanted to let you know that Wikiquote will be the next sister project to be supported by Wikidata. Initially you will be able to maintain the links between the language editions of Wikiquote on Wikidata. This means you will no longer have to maintain them in the wiki text of each article. (However you will still be able to if you want to and local links will overwrite the ones from Wikidata in that case.) We plan to enable this on April 8th for you. At a later point (depending on how this initial roll-out goes) you will also get access to the other data on Wikidata like the date of birth of a scientist for example.
If you have any questions please come to d:Wikidata:Wikiquote where we'll try to answer all of them. If you're already familiar with Wikidata and want to act as an ambassador please add your name to the list there to help people find you.
I'm looking forward to welcoming you all to Wikidata.
Lydia Pintscher 7. mar 2014, 21:58 (UTC)
Proposed optional changes to Terms of Use amendment
redigérChanges to the default site typography coming soon
redigérThis week, the typography on Wikimedia sites will be updated for all readers and editors who use the default "Vector" skin. This change will involve new serif fonts for some headings, small tweaks to body content fonts, text size, text color, and spacing between elements. The schedule is:
- April 1st: non-Wikipedia projects will see this change live
- April 3rd: Wikipedias will see this change live
This change is very similar to the "Typography Update" Beta Feature that has been available on Wikimedia projects since November 2013. After several rounds of testing and with feedback from the community, this Beta Feature will be disabled and successful aspects enabled in the default site appearance. Users who are logged in may still choose to use another skin, or alter their personal CSS, if they prefer a different appearance. Local common CSS styles will also apply as normal, for issues with local styles and scripts that impact all users.
For more information:
- Summary of changes and FAQ
- Discussion page for feedback or questions
- Post on
-- Steven Walling (Product Manager) on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation's User Experience Design team
Interwiki links via Wikidata are here!
redigér(Sorry for writing in English. I hope someone can translate this for me where needed.)
Hi everyone,
As previously announced we have just enabled the first part of Wikidata support. This means from now on you can maintain your interwiki links on Wikidata and no longer need to keep them in the wikitext locally. The local links will continue to work and overwrite what is coming from Wikidata. A community member is currently running a bot to take care of the migration where possible so you don't have to do it by hand in most cases.
You can not yet access the other data on Wikidata like the date of birth of a person. This will come in the near future. I will let you know when I have a date for it.
If you have any questions please come to d:Wikidata:Wikiquote. There we have a bunch of helpful people to answer them.
Welcome to the Wikidata family! I'm excited about this first step. More to come. I am looking forward to seeing how this will help you make Wikiquote even better in the future.
Lydia via MediaWiki message delivery (diskussion) 8. apr 2014, 17:53 (UTC)
- Holde øje med Speciel:UnconnectedPages. Dog kan jeg se at der er en bot, som er ved at importerer - så vent at gøre noget de næste dage. --Steenth (diskussion) 8. apr 2014, 19:00 (UTC)
- Skal de forstå sådan at Speciel:UnconnectedPages ikke kan botopsættes i Wikidata (for hvordan skulle de dog kunne det?). — Fnielsen (diskussion) 8. apr 2014, 19:08 (UTC)
- Der var jeg for hurtig: Jeg kan se at Speciel:UnconnectedPages er de sider der mangler Wikidata-link. Jeg troede det var dem uden sproglink, f.eks. Aarhus. — Fnielsen (diskussion) 8. apr 2014, 19:11 (UTC)
- Skal de forstå sådan at Speciel:UnconnectedPages ikke kan botopsættes i Wikidata (for hvordan skulle de dog kunne det?). — Fnielsen (diskussion) 8. apr 2014, 19:08 (UTC)
- Import af interwiki's går meget hurtig. Den første runde med den engelske er snart færdig... så kommer vel resten. Et par de kategorier, som jeg holder øje med, kan det mærkes - nu er alle interwiki-links kommet. Det ligner at interwiki-bots er stoppet for lang tid siden. Og der er også et par bot'ter, som allerede er begyndt med at fjerne de første gamle interwiki-links.
- Men jeg kan også se der er behov for oprydning i gammel indhold. En del artikler, kategorier og hjælpesider har ikke haft interwiki-links. --Steenth (diskussion) 9. apr 2014, 17:42 (UTC)
Wikidata Phase 2 for Wikiquote
(Sorry for writing in English. I hope someone can translate this for me where necessary.)
Not long ago we enabled language links via Wikidata for Wikiquote. This seems to have gone rather smoothly. Thanks to everyone who helped! But as you know this was only the start. What is actually more interesting is access to the data in Wikidata. We have planned this for June 10th (unless any issues arise). You will then be able to use the data in your articles. I hope this will open up a lot of new opportunities for you.
If you have any questions d:Wikidata:Wikiquote is a good place to find help.
On behalf of Lydia Pintscher, John F. Lewis (talk) 17. maj 2014, 16:03 (UTC)